Customers and Uses

Rescue South Africa
Storage and transport of emergency and life saving equipment to and from disaster areas worldwide.

Aircraft part manufacturers
Safe transport of aircraft components to overseas destinations, including Boeing and Airbus – galleys, seat parts, electronic cockpit panels, wing tips, etc.

Shatterprufe windows
Multiple trip transport of vehicle rear windows from factory to motor vehicle assembly plants around SA.

Armaments Industry
Export of weaponry components & ammunition around the world.

Correctional Services
Storage of prisoner clothing materials.

Furniture Removal Industry
Oversize ClipBOX’s for transport and storage of household and office furniture.

Molapo Technologies
Air freighting of communications equipment to and from United Kingdom.

SAPS Logistics
Distribution and storage of uniforms.

Golden Era
Specialised boxes for carrying print stock such as soup cartons in racks to various manufacturers.

Nampak |
Specialised boxes for the distribution of cigarette cartons.

Elephant tusks
High security boxes for export of stockpile to Far East by SA National Parks Board.

Range of boxes for transport of research equipment to the Antarctic near the South Pole.

Design & supply of complete packaging system for Daimler Chrysler for equipment transportation between SA and Germany (ca. 10 000 boxes).

Design & supply of bulk fruit bins (ca. 185 000 bins).